Gift Certificates
Are you not sure what to get for someone, but you feel sure that they would love some things you see at the Americana Arts store?
Buy a gift certificate! As you can see, the certificate is beautifully designed so your special person feels you chose only the best for them.
Any denomination is available starting at $25.00, in $5.00 increments. You decide how much you want to give.
Shipping & handling for gift certificates only is $2 for U.S. buyers. No shipping charges will apply when purchased with other items.
The certificate will tell them who it is that thinks they are so special.
This website is under construction so please be patient with me while I get all of my links, images and forms ready to go.
In the meantime, feel free to browse around and contact me at the link below with questions or requests.
The work for this website is being done by volunteers who support The Americana Stars Memorial.
All items purchased through AmericanaArts.com contribute to the support and production of the memorial.
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| Americana Arts 61-15 97th Street, Suite 11G Rego Park, New York, 11374 USA
Website Designed by Leigh Little & Doreen Lynn Saunders / Contact Webmaster
All designs and graphics on this website are copyrighted.
If you have any questions about usage or licensing, please email Doreen at the link above and she will be happy to talk to you.
The work for this website is being done by volunteers who support The Americana Stars Memorial.
All items purchased through AmericanaArts.com contribute to the support and production of the memorial.